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Sustainability Through Festivals: A Collective Approach
Hosted by Megan Best from Native Events and Julie's Bicycle Europe, both leaders in mobilising climate action, this panel will focus on how festivals can act as catalysts for improving sustainable practices, bringing together groups of venues to advance sustainable production and operations.
The panel, featuring sustainability expert Hannah Cox (The Better Business Network, Glastonbury Festivals, betternotstop) Karen English (Festival Manager, DIFF), Vanessa Fielding (Artistic Director and CEO, The Complex), and Amy Lynch (Event Manager, Light House cinema), will explore how festival networks and collectives can support these efforts and help achieve collective sustainability goals, with practical applications for the live event and festival sectors.
At DIFF, we are committed to implementing sustainable practices year-round, especially during the festival and across our partner venues. In this spirit, we invite other festival and live event coordinators to join the conversation and discover new ways to engage with this movement.
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